Graduate Group in Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art
The Graduate Group in Archaeology, Classics, and History of Art at Bryn Mawr College is a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration and research among the departments of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology; Greek, Latin and Classical Studies; and History of Art. Each of these departments has its own distinguished intellectual tradition and awards its own M.A. and Ph.D. degrees.
The Graduate Group is distinct for its:
- Interdisciplinary Seminars ("GSems") co-taught by faculty members from different departments and tied to a Distinguished Visitors program
- Curatorial Fellowships can be completed at Bryn Mawr's Special Collections and other institutions in the Philadelphia area and the United States
- Multi-Disciplinary Fellowships and Areté Fellowships, generous stipends for top Graduate Group applicants
- Biennial Symposia planned, organized and hosted entirely by students in the Graduate Group
- Regular Gatherings offering students, faculty, and staff an opportunity to socialize, share research, and develop professional expertise through specialized trainings. For the current event calendar, see here.
- Exceptional Resources such as the Rhys Carpenter Library dedicated specifically to the Graduate Group's subject areas, and the College Special Collections comprising impressive holdings of rare books, manuscripts, and material objects, from archaeological artifacts to contemporary works of art
All graduate programs are coeducational. Graduate admissions are handled by the individual departments, but the Director of the Graduate Group, Professor Astrid Lindenlauf, welcomes general inquiries: alindenlau@vko29.com
Recurring Events
Archaeology Lecture Series: Mondays, 12:00-2:00p.m., Old Library 224
Visual Culture Colloquium: Wednesdays, 12:30-2 p.m., Old Library 224
Classics Colloquium: Fridays, Tea is at 4 p.m. in the Quita Woodward Room, Colloquia begin at 4:30 p.m. in Carpenter B21
Current Graduate Students
Current Grad Students in Archaeology